Find your thing!

Devin ScottUncategorized

Find your thing!

Items in the Library of Things collection are available for check-out to Salem Township Library cardholders at the Circulation Desk. All items check out for two weeks.


Borrowers must complete a “Library of Things Agreement” prior to checking out an item from the Library of Things. A member may fill out a form in-person. This form will be completed for each borrower and will be noted on the member’s library account for future borrowing.

Return the item to a staff member instead of using a bookdrop.

Return the item with all parts and components.

Clean all items before returning to the library.

If an item is not returned on time, members will be unable to check out further items. If an item enters lost status, the replacement cost for the item will be placed on their account.

The borrower is solely responsible for the item and will be billed for reasonable repair or replacement costs associated with damage or loss of items and/or peripherals due to neglect or abuse.

The Library has sole discretion in assessing the condition of an item.

Members under 18 years of age may be listed on their guardian’s “Library of Things Agreement.” Members under 18 years of age will be unable to check out a Library of Things item without being included on a guardian’s agreement.